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tter. When you specialize in a niche, you become a lot more attractive to the WDA coursesmembers of that niche. Why? Because you’re servicing them directly – looking after their needs. When you’re a generalist, you end up servicing no one in WDA coursesparticular. So choose a niche for your business so you can own that share of the market.  Step 4: Develop and Use A Lead Generation Marketing WDA coursesMessage This one is simple and a lot of people already have it done. What I’m really talking about here is the simple “elevator pitch” or initial teaser that you use when meeting people for the first time when they ask you “so what do you akes you. Maybe its into a lush port full of riches, but more often than not, its to the rocky WDA coursesshores. And lets face it – wouldn’t you rather steer towards the port of riches?   So its with that in mind that I outlined these 7-Setps To Thrive for the upcoming year.  Step 1: Understand Your Market And Your Competition I know this seems like a real no-brainer. But you’d be amazed at how many people simply gloss WDA coursesover this crucial step. Remember, this step is a tool for you to gain a share of the marketplace. Knowing your competition and what they’re doing, can allow you to fill in the gaps of what they’re NOT doing. Also, knowing your market will set you up to be able to sell them what it is they want to buy.   Step 2: WDA coursesUnderstand Your Ideal Client Now that you understand the market that you want to sell into, what specific clients are you looking for? Simply put, you want to know who your ideal clients are, what they want, and wdo?” And it’s also the message you use in all your marketing. It needs to talk to a specific client problem, WDA coursesand indicate how you can solve it.   Step 5: Determine Your Marketing Medium / Media Remember back in Step 2, I said it was important to understand your ideal customer? Well this is one of the main reasons why. When you understand your customer, you also know where they look for information. Then when you know that, you can target those media for your marketing efforts.  Step 6: WDA coursesSet Sales + Marketing Goals Let’s face it, you had to know this one was coming. And I can’t stress the importance of this enough. As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, goals will provide you with direction in your business. Goals need to be clear and unambiguous. They need to have a timeline associated with them, and they need to be measurable. Finally, a goal needs to be attainable.   Step 7: Develop a Marketing Budget The fact of the matter is this: you need a budget. WDA coursesIt’s rare that an entrepreneur has an unlimited budget to work with, so that being the case, make sure you have a budget worked out for all your marketing efforts.  So there you have it – a simple 7-Step-Marketing-Plan to thriving in the New Year! It really can be this simple. For the most part it should generally take a day to make all this happen. And if you don’t know where to start, there are a number of online bootcamps and courses that can help you out. Or, you can just put pen to paper and give it a try yourself. Either way, the important thing is to create a plan for yourself that will get you ready to tackle the upcoming year!   Here’s to your success in 2008! Author’s Resource BoxMark Winder, the Sales Made Simple Coach, helps entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals aim higher and achieve more. Winder is the author of Mark Winders Sales & Marketing Bootcamp, and the free audio seminar, The 20 Sales Secrets of Top Entrepreneurs. Be Inspired By The Breathtaking Natural Beauty Of Lorne On The Great Ocean Road In Australia   Author : Sidney Morgan Submitted : 2010-02-12 11:20:52    Word Count : 548    Popularity:   23 Tags:   Lorne, Victoria, Australia, Great Ocean Road   Author RSS Feed Situated on the shores of the Erskine River, the town of Lorne in Victoria, Australia is the chosen destination of thousands of tourists each year. Though its permanent population is just under 1000, its seaside streets fill up with visitors during the vacation season. Lorne is noted for its natural beauty, luxurious accommodations and fun filled activities.  Lorne was originally part of the lands of the King Parrot people, though European settlement took it over in the 19th century. Today, this town that during the 1930s and 1940s depended significantly upon its fishing industry is driven largely by the tourists who flock to its beaches each year.  Lorne’s primary attraction is, of course, all of its outdoor features. In fact, its natural beauty is so breathtaking that it inspired author Rudyard Kipling to write the poem Flowers after an 1891 visit. He remarked: “But my hot wood clematis, Buy a frond of fern, Gathered where the Erskine Leaps Down the road to Lome.”  Many visitors choose to head to the beach to spend a day in the sun and in the ocean. Surfing is also a very popular activity in Lorne. Other visitors choose to take part in pier fishing, catching fish such as barracuda, whiting and trevally.  One of the premier natural draws of Lorne are the Erskine Fallhttp://fmplc.com.sg/infos/wsqfunding