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Pedicures are an essential nail salon central component of beauty grooming for women. They’re intensely pleasurable and also make your feet look cleaner and more beautiful. However, one often needs to pay intense amounts at the parlor to get a good pedicure. If you would like to save on the money though, you can consider doing it at home. Here we tell you how to go about it.Before getting started with your pedicure, it is particularly vital that you assemble your tools. There are several things that you are going to do your pedicure on your own. These include nail clippers, nail brush, a buffer, orangewood stick and hand and cuticle cream. You will also nail salon centralneed a nail paint remover and cotton balls to remove the nail paint.Along side, you also need to have a bowl of warm and soapy water. Make sure that a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil are added to this water. You can consider keeping some further stuff like a foot pumice and an antimicrobial base coat. If you want to switch the nail paint, keep the nail paint along with the top coat convenient.When you have gathered all the nail salon centralapparatus you want, you can start by removing your old nail paint. Wipe it off comprehensively and make sure that there’s not a single trace of the paint left and pay lots of attention to the nail edges as the paint tends to stick to these areas.Many of us have toe calluses or ridged nails. If you are one of them, you should indulge in gentle nail buffing. Try not to overdo the method. Gentle buffing over a couple of is all that’s needed.Next, you must soak your feet in the warm water that you had kept handy. Allow your feet to stay immersed in this water for at least ten to fifteen minutes. This will help melt the cuticles and loosen the dust that’s sticking to the nails. With a nailbrush, carefully scrub your skin to dump any dead skin cells and dirt particles.Once you have finished, you can use the orangewood stick to remove any extra mud still sticking under your nails. nail salon centralAfter you are done cleaning your nails, you can trim them to the length you desire. However, make sure that you don’t trim the nails to too short a length.After you have cleaned your nails, it’s time to give your feet some moisturizing. Get your fave body lotion or hand cream and use it to massage your feet. Massage your feet for at least two – three mins for the feet to absorb the moisture. Finish off your pedicure by applying the nail paint of your choice.Just go through these simple steps and you will have the beautiful feet that you have always wished for.Author’s Resource nail salon centralBoxAcrylic nails are a type of nail extension. They should be cared for with respect but not in such a different way as to how you would care for your normal nails. There are a few things that you need to watch out for. One is that you should try not to keep them in water for long periods of time, to avoid this you could use rubber gloves for washing dishes or your nail salon centralhair.Different people have acrylic nails applied for different reasons. One of the reasons to have acrylic nails is to help prevent the want to bite the natural nail. It is so hard to stop biting nails if you are in the habit, so having acrylic nails would help to prevent this as they are so strong and almost impossible to chew.