Love is like a poppy eternity ring

Love is like a poppy eternity ring. After tasting, you can’t quit the poison. When the poisoner is bitter, tears are painful, heart pain is torn eternity ring and the dim light is memory eternity ring. 2. Those transitions that are considered smooth and empty by their wishful thinking eternity ring. You forget how despair and sorrow screamed from above with huge wings. The past has passed, and the fragrant flavor of friendship can still be remembered eternity ring. 4. Accumulated a lot of trivial memory hard disks should be organized eternity ring, delete those past images that need to be forgotten, and back up the friendship worth remembering. The blood that flows through the road flows more smoothly, lives more freely, and happiness is of course. Only if you really believe can you let others believe in you. 8. Yanyuhongchen, deep feelings, faintly, came into you, in the summer when the gardenia flowers are fragrant, with a click of the mouse, I bring a light heart, in a graceful grace, stop your eyes. 9. How can I be fascinated by you and I am asking myself, I can give up everything. It is difficult to leave today. Every cynical person will grow up because of the baptism of life. After so many things, what else can I not let go. 12. If one day I had to crawl away from the court, I would never let people carry me out, no one can carry me out, it will never be possible. Then troubles will follow, how to find the feeling of loss, how to maintain a beautiful love has become the focus of love. 15. We have to learn to manage our own lives. It is not a day to day or a day to day, but a day to enjoy. The state of mind is simple, I have not been born, I am old. Jun is in my future, I have come and Jun has gone. I walked past the end of the red dust and waited until Shaohua came to an end, but I secretly sighed. The past life and the present life are just reincarnation, but the past is nothing but a dream. Looking back suddenly, apart from Hongchen’s misery, Li Tianjiao just asked where the love is. in life, there will be people keep coming or leave. So what is seen, what is invisible; what is remembered, forgotten. Life, there are constantly getting and lost. Society is like a fish pond. Although the mud and sand are down, it is a bit scary to have a clear water. A family is like a fish tank. It needs cleaning, ventilation, and careful care, otherwise it will not survive. Frequently enter various major variety shows, interjected in the variety show, joked and played games, which made him forget that he was born in science class, and family affairs and marriage relationships were analyzed in the world. She also often went to the grassroots to mediate neighborhood disputes and family conflicts. Others make themselves unkind, do n’t learn hip-hop that does n’t suit them, do n’t do abusive things,