Japan’s experience give us japan property agency



What is the truth about Japanese real estate? What kind of inspiration can Japan’s experience give us japan property agency? Speaking of Tokyo real estate, the “bubble burst” and “lack of vibration” are often used words. The real estate price index in Tokyo has dropped by about 70% from the peak of the 1990s to the present. The Japanese economy’s “lost 20 years” is also considered to be related to the bursting of the real estate bubblejapan property agency. Recently, an article about Chinese people going to Japan to buy a house has sparked a lot of discussion. However, the real estate market in Tokyo has rebounded significantly since 2013. Most of the latter purchased small properties for rent, or do bed and breakfast. Unexpectedly, it was followed by frequent security incidents – girls almost experienced hostile sexual assault; Once again, it has become a hot asset that many investors are chasing. Most Chinese who go to Japan to buy a house are beginning to lose their minds when they first make a profitjapan property agency. I don’t know where the Japanese real estate market will go in the future. Tokyo is also frequently ranked as the first in the Asia-Pacific region by the institutional investors and the top three markets worth investing in the world. The “Residential Accommodation Business Law” (B&B New Law), which was promulgated in June 2018, blocked the roads for renting and lodging, and many people had to pay for the sale. Correspondingly, the buyers from all countries went to Japan to buy a house. Someone bought a house for the education of the child japan property agency.

Some people buy houses for the life of the land, but more are buying houses for investment and housing. A female head was found in the trunk of a B&B in Hyogo Prefecture, Osaka; the locals who were not invaded by strangers blocked the eyes, the police, and even went to the streets to demonstrate… A Beijinger bought more than one million RMB in the Tokyo Lake District A two-bedroom apartment, he broke through the room and redone the renovation. I didn’t expect it to be a year old japan property agency. When the new regulations came out, he received a warning from the management company, and finally lost more than 600,000 yuan to get rid of the house. This does not include the tax and renovation costs. 1 There are three floors in Tokyo that speak of Tokyo. In fact, there are three different concepts: Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and Tokyo Special Administrative Region japan property agency.

The three-tiered Tokyo concept is very different, and population density and house prices are also very different. To avoid confusion in the discussion, first clarify these three layers of concepts. The Tokyo Metropolitan Area, also known as the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, is located in the Tokyo metropolitan area, with a radius of 80 kilometers. Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Kanagawa Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, and Saitama Prefecture form the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The area of ​​the circle is 36,900 square kilometers (equivalent to 2.25 Beijing), accounting for 10% of Japan’s land area; the total population is 43.78 million, accounting for more than one third of the country, creating 40% of the country’s GDP.

